Why use TeamSpeak 3?
We like for all of our members to have this program to make your [ZoS] experience the best it can be. Being accessible via a Voice Over IP (VOIP) program makes events and miscellaneous activities much easier to organize and run smoother overall. As instructions for large events are seldom typed out in in-game chat, your presence in TeamSpeak is highly preferred; event leaders might not cater to attendees who are not using TeamSpeak for their event.
About TeamSpeak 3:
TeamSpeak allows you to speak with other members of the guild with a headset or microphone. Even if you don't have a microphone, you can still listen to other guild members talking in parties or at events. TeamSpeak uses little if any CPU resources and it is 100% virus and spyware free.
Download the client here for Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux
After downloading:
Applications are processed with an informal TeamSpeak interview. Once you have installed TeamSpeak, the interviewing Officer will provide you with [ZoS]'s server information. With the server address in hand, launch the TeamSpeak 3 program and select 'Connections > Connect' from the top menu. Enter the server address and password, as well as a nickname. We ask that either your nickname or your description contains your account name (including numbers) or a character on your Guild Wars 2 account. Lack of this information makes it difficult to invite you to groups or process your speaking permissions correctly. Once all the information has been entered, click 'Connect' to be brought to the [ZoS] TeamSpeak's lobby; the interviewing Officer will move you into a private channel for the interview.
Configuring Push-to-Talk:
Note that the [ZoS] TeamSpeak server requires Push-To-Talk (PTT) to activate your microphone. While activated by default when you first make your [ZoS] TeamSpeak account, you should configure it to work best for your personal preferences. Follow the steps / images below to set up your Push-To-Talk settings.

Step 1. Enter the Options menu from the top bar in TeamSpeak 3 ( Settings > Options ).

Step 2. Select the Capture tab from the menu on the left of the Options window.
Step 3. Click the button to the right of Push-To-Talk and then select the key you wish to press in order to talk in TeamSpeak.
Step 4. After choosing your Push-To-Talk hotkey, check on Advanced Options, followed by Voice Activation Detection while using Push-To-Talk.
Step 5. With both of the above steps completed, press the Begin Test button and attempt to speak using your Push-To-Talk hotkey. The volume level shown should move around as you speak. Note that your client is muted to the rest of the server while testing, so don't worry about anyone hearing you test.
Step 6. While still testing your Push-To-Talk key, you must move the double-white arrows in the volume area to be above your ambient levels but below your speaking levels. To find where you must click-and-drag these arrows, press your Push-To-Talk hotkey but do not speak. Note the highest volume recorded: the double-white arrows must go to the right of this level. With the hotkey still pressed, speak normally into your microphone and note the lowest level recorded: the double-white arrows must go to the left of this level. The images below should help you choose the correct location. The result should have any non-speaking levels fall to the left of the double-white arrows and any speaking levels fall to the right. When this is achieved, press the Stop Test button.

Push-To-Talk pressed but not speaking. Double-white arrows are right of the volume level.

Push-To-Talk pressed while speaking. Double-white arrows are left of the volume level.

Push-To-Talk is not pressed; final location of double-white arrows.
Step 7. (Optional) Check off the other options according to personal preferences. Hover your cursor over these options to get a basic description of their functions.
Step 8. Press the Apply button on the bottom right of this window followed by the OK button. After restarting your client, TeamSpeak will only capture your voice when pressing your Push-To-Talk key and while you are talking. We ask you to set this up to avoid your microphone opening when pressing common Push-To-Talk keys in-game such as Ctrl or Alt. Once this is all complete, you have fully set up your TeamSpeak account. Enjoy!