Zealots Of Shiverpeak

A Guild Wars Guild


ZoS Application - Kiziy

A place for applicants to post requests to the guild.

Moderator: Arch Zealot

ZoS Application - Kiziy

Postby Kiz » Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:03 pm

Account name: Scarlett.3276
In-game name and level: Kiziy (ele lv80 & main), Kitsune Kiz (ranger, 80), kizibear (war, 80), Mini Kiz (guard, 80), Digital kiz (mes, 80), Flentes (thief, 80) & Kizrar (nec, 80)
Age: 22
Timezone and times usually on: OCX; usually on across all the timezones tho, minus 3 days im at uni (my mon,tues wed) where id miss NA (6 weeks holiday starting now).
Play-style (PvP, PvE, WvW Etc.): i live in WvW xD.
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): rank 31, champ slayer, avenger, magus; dont pvp much.
Professions played in PvP: Ele 95% of the time, mes/war/necro the rest.
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): TA, cof, coe, ac, arahs etc. havent ventured into pve land for a long time tho
Professions played in PvE: ele, war, guard, ranger, necro, thief & mes
Crafts and their levels: 400 on all crafts, 500 on wep', tailor & armorsmith
Previous guilds: DRV & EDGE on nsp + others on other servs in each tier.
Reason for leaving previous guild: havent been playing last 5 weeks because life; left guild/s and server and conformed to a more ocx heavy serv (sos) for the duration on the rare chance i would get spare time (figured itd be during ocx/late ocx - the fights in t2 are also awesome and even NS & HOPE let run with). Not seeking to rejoin these guilds because of increasing attitudes and less focus on the goals set at the beginning.
What is your home server?: Ehmry Bay..in my defence, though, it was 2 years? ago when they were t3 and a much different server.
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: Youll have to blame isendurs whisp spam for that. jk xD. I've stalked ZoS on a few reset raids recently and been aware of zos since first coming to nsp. Curo was also actually one of the first nsp to talk to & welcome me to nsp when i joined, and isendur has actually sung zos praises in whisps. Zos has a nice collection of friendly/good people, seem quite laid back during fights/runs while still being serious and manages to balance not only offensive & defensive ppt and fights, but also pve and seems to be lacking dramas. Ive been wvwing a long time and like all aspects of it, gvg, fights, ppt, small man, defense, scouting etc. and youd be suprised how servers are really lacking balanced wvw guilds (a former 500 memb ppt wvw guild thatd pull 50 to runs 4 times weekly, with squads/teams of x many for dif objectives/composition, moved to sos while ago and ended up disbanding), zos has a guild comp id enjoy and a group of people id really like getting to know & running with.
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: 4,124hrs
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: yep
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: yep
A little about yourself: Have over a years worth experience running with zerg busting/gvg guild/s, mained ele staff & d/d for just as long (d/d slightly less long as staff), been on almost all NA servs & vsed them all (travelled to dif servs with one zerg bust guild, moved each month while it was still working on improving & befriended a lot of guilds/individuals on each serv during, which ended visiting after leaving said guild and a lot of gems spent). Nearing 2k wvw rank currently and do have a tag, tho ill be telling you to screenie it if you do see it up xD; prefer not to command anymore. I also seem to have this weird habit of throwing gcatas at things, are helping with bringing ocx players to nsp and have mini panic attacks when my gcata and omega stash gets lower than 3 digits. I'm also pretty much always on gw/wvw and somewhere in ts.
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Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:38 am

Re: ZoS Application - Kiziy

Postby RangerrGodd » Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:34 pm

If you are willing to transfer to Northern Shiverpeaks, please contact an officer in game.
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Re: ZoS Application - Kiziy

Postby Lorus » Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:26 pm

Ehmry Bay was her home server a while ago. She's already on NSP and was running with us yesterday.
Isendur Xierchen - Sylvari Necro
Beelorus - Charr Warrior
Rawoon - Asuran Mesmer
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Re: ZoS Application - Kiziy

Postby Severen Severen » Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:48 pm

Great! Please contact an officer in game.
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Re: ZoS Application - Kiziy

Postby Cyan Dar » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:48 am

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