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Subject: [ZoS] Application - Vilage Itiot

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:24 am
by Vilage_Idiot
Account name (with #'s): Lord Xanthus.7246
In-game name and level: VIlage Itiot (80), Dont Call Me Iti (80)
Timezone and usual play-times: Pacific Standard Time. I mostly play in the late afternoon and evenings during the semester. During summer I play whenever I don't work :)
Your age: 21

How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: 1974 hours over 3 a little more than three years. However I was MIA for a year due to lack of a PC to play.
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.): Pve, PVP, RP.
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): Dolyak rank, Only really started becoming a competitive pvp'er.
Professions played in PvP: Daredevil/thief, Reaper (meh), Scrapper/Engineer (bae), and Elementalist/Tempest (ex-bae)
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): Fractal Speed runner. Two characters at 150 AR and one more in the process (just buying infusions and stuff). Used to solo certain dungeons for gold. Have the Been there Done that achievement, 6,324 AP since I don't do much Achievement Hunting. Crafted my legendary the summer of last year. Surprisingly, I don't have the dungeon master achievement. Some of the paths are just not interesting to me to bother completing.
Professions played in PvE: Condi Reaper (Main), Zerk Daredevil (Second Main), Berzerker, Tempest, Scrapper, Herald. I am almost done with my new Guardian so will be re-gearing her pretty soon.
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.): um... rank 6o. I played backline Ele for a while but mostly only really did Thief Roamer. Haven't WvW'ed in a long time.
Professions played in WvW: Thief Roamer, Guardian Front line, Elementalist Backline.

What is your home server?: Fort Aspenwood (I can change that. I really don't care.)
Previous guild(s): Razorblade Heart [RZH] (haven't left), The Midnight Covenant [TMC] (Also haven't left since it is my RP group.)
Reason for leaving previous guild: Ok first off I don't really PLAN on leaving either but I am looking for a new home to invest my time for PvX content. [RZH] always has and always will be just a social guild and I want something more than that. Lately I have been feeling this guild devide and fragment more and more and it just feels less and less like where I want to be. I am not planning on Leaving TMC. I am a pretty avid RP'er and that is where I go to RP. If I am not doing normal PvX content, odds are I am doing RP with them. Neither of these really affect my Rep ability in case you are worried.
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: I got into a VB t5 map hosted by you guys. Me and Gldentoe were talking later and it sounded like a really well founded guild. Honestly I am just looking for a new community that actually plays as a community. Ultimately I have an interest in getting back into fractals, completing raids for a change, and just getting back into the GW2 content now that my semester is approaching a close.
Have you fully read the application post?: yas.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Of course
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: Yep.
A little about yourself:

hmmm... Well I am a Vocal Jazz Performance Major in college and am currently working on my transfer AA to hopefully transfer down to Longbeach State where I plan to earn my BA in Vocal Jazz Performance and then eventually, my Masters as well. I also play the trombone.... which is kinda cool I suppose.

It dawns on me you probably don't care about that so here is some other fun stuff. I am a MMO gamer by preference and currently main two MMO's. GW2 and BDO (not as much but it satisfies other desires I can't get on GW2). One of my main Hobbies is PC building and I am actually about to retire this PC I built last year for a major overhaul into the latest and greatest again. um... Oh! I LOVE jump puzzles. I have been known to spend a whole day doing every jump puzzle in the game just for fun. I also openly call myself a GW2 fashion wh**e and have spent literally Thousands of dollars on cosmetics in GW2... yeah so that is a thing. I used to change 5 different character outfits a solid 7-8 times a week to maintain my high esteem in the fashion end game meta.

As a person I tend to be a bit 'intense' to socialize with but, when it gets down to it, I am actually a pretty laid back human being and am open to most things and very hard to offend. GW2 is basically where I go at the end of the day to cool off and relax. I love odd facts and learning new things almost as much as I love the fractal capacitor. I have a bad habit of overreacting some times but I am quick to calm down and make it a personal effort to always right any conflicts I accidentally start. Ultimately I just love playing this game, love listening to others talk, and love taking charge in content I enjoy. I have a bit of Elitist in my, I confess, but I have always believed that it is my responsibility to hand my knowledge down to anyone who seeks it so I love having the opportunity to teach a new player about a certain fractal, tag up and show people how to complete meta events in HoT, or really any other opportunity to help out those who have played less than I have.

That is about it. Sorry if my application was too long. I hope to catch ya'll in Game! Peace!

Edit: Also my favorite color is Teal, I love cats and dogs, and my favorite food is definitely Sushi.
Edit #2: Most people call me Iti. I got the nickname when I first started and have really used it in all my toons ever since. So yeah I like Iti puns. Only the little ones though :P.

Re: Subject: [ZoS] Application - Vilage Itiot

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:47 am
by Inferno11
Please contact an officer in game.

Re: Subject: [ZoS] Application - Vilage Itiot

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:46 pm
by Syndis
Invited to the Guild