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[ZoS] Application - Rythmee

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:08 am
by Rythmee
Account name (with #'s): GazingStar.5036
In-game name and level: Rythmee <level 80>
Timezone and usual play-times: GMT+8 < usually 10am-12pm on holidays and 1pm-6pm when school reopens >
Your age: 18

How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: 968 Hours
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.): PvE and lots of Dungeons, just started doing fractals :3
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): None
Professions played in PvP: Warrior
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): All dungeons except CoE and Arah ( need help with these.. super tough :<)
Professions played in PvE: Elementalist, Warrior
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.): None
Professions played in WvW: Warrior

What is your home server?: Northern Shiverpeaks
Previous guild(s): ZoS
Reason for leaving previous guild: Quit ZoS because I went inactive (major exams)
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: I want to come back ZoS again because I think that its a really good guild and I've had a lot of good times in it :3
Have you fully read the application post?: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: Yes
A little about yourself: First off, I'm a guy and even though my character in-game does look pretty hot I'm still a guy. I'm not gay or anything so yeah if we can get that point straight. I like to swim :3 and just relaxing under the sun, play a lot of computer games as well. I like to do well in my studies so that's a first for me before anything else. Finally, I'm not new to this guild, you guys may have known me by the name of 'Molygon', well I don't play that character any more so you can see 'Rythmee' pretty often unless I've decided to start a new character :P. Last thing you should know is that I'm an Asian so when we chat on TeamSpeak I might not really understand you but I'll try my best :D. Thanks for reading if you did.

Re: [ZoS] Application - Rythmee

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:17 am
by RangerrGodd
Please contact an officer in game.

Re: [ZoS] Application - Rythmee

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:58 am
by Diabolic Sheep