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Friday-Saturday 8th/9th Feb 2013

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:37 pm
by Smitry
Amazing Job ZoS!

On server reset, we entered NSP BL with large numbers of ZoS, Bots, Os, LOOT, Envy, TBCT and many others! ZoS and Bots Shared vent and Jay Dual vented with Os for coordination! Our job was to hold Godlore and Astralholme camps! I ( as ar as i could tell) loaded first on the map immediately followed by swarms of ZoS soldiers! we quickly captures Astral and Gods and began our upgrades! Bots Held Arah and Os in many large teams defended Bay while our lord saviour Ronny held hills like a true hero!
BP Captured bay and Arahs. which led to a prolonged fight in the DB arah Garrison triangle. While my team held the triangle between gar, EH and Astral.
Many attempts were made on Arah. Astral and Gods by both BP and AR, But thanks to the Allied Strike teams of ZoS and Bots Arah suffered only minor loses wheras Gods and Astral NEVER fell once to enemy hands.
A shining example of our communication and fast response was when Bots called in a guild group of bp "WAR", 15+heading to Astral. At which point both ZoS and Bots mobilized via citadel wp. [WAR] were very organised and employed great tactics of portal bombing in stacks...but...Thanks to our teamwork, communication and Concentrated siege work we crushed them all 3 times they attempt this move :)
Constant communication and teamwork between Os, Bots Zos , TBCT and Envy Led to the retaking of DB and Greenbriar along with south camps.
Numerous attempts were made on garrison keep, in the early hours, Atn one stage even reaching the inner gate, Yet again fast response from teams lead to swift repelling of the enemy forces.
BL was ours, the only one out of three servers completely one colour.
At this point i went to sleep, it was 5am,
I woke up at 8 am and logged into wvw
BL was ours, and we were wiping BP off the EB map, assaulting their keep.
Assault was lead by TFG, Sekz, and Os. We captured the keep and the rest of their towers.
At this point Os and sekz went to bed, leaving me, and some TFG and Loot players.
We took the entire Green corner, Claimed the keep in ZoS name! and upgraded all structures to t3 status! and camps to t4!
ZoS keep had a wp and we successfully repelled 6 (6!) outbreak attempts by BP commanders.
Unfortunately a huge force of AR were massing in on us from their side. The Fight lasted a total of 7 hours...with BP and AR. We held 80%of south structures in eb for the majority of that time!
But eventually we got overwhelmed by sheer numbers of AR and they really got desperate. (or angry?) The keep was eventually lost to an AR force of 40+ and 6 OMEGA golems.... they really wanted that keep. But we definitely not go down without a fight... so much much many bodies... sadly no screenshots :(
At this stage i had to stop, its been 7-8 hours with 3 hours sleep from reset. We looked at the scoreboard and we were 1st! by 5,000 points! Many ZoS and TFG and Os put in insane hours into Holding BP territory! Well done Everyone!
We Proved that NSP will NOT take any more bs, and we are rebuilding our strengths!
With prolonged communication and inter-guild teamwork, we will rise victorious!

TL:DR : we are awesome
PSA: Somehow after many failed breakout events on us, BP magically* got all their land back from AR within 30 minutes...

Re: Friday-Saturday 8th/9th Feb 2013

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:40 pm
by Belorn
A very fun night, and good stuff all around.

Re: Friday-Saturday 8th/9th Feb 2013

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:23 pm
by Agar ... 2-15-2013/

we had a huge boost in rating this week while the two rival servers dropped :D